Other Achievements
Faculty for enterostomal therapy course in JIPMER, Puducherry.
External examiner for Diploma in Unani Nursing and Midwifery, AMU, Aligarh.
Coordinator of Mentorship Programme for College of Nursing, AMU, Aligarh.
Nodal officer for IQAC and NIRF in AMU, College of Nursing, Aligarh.
Part of Selection Committee for Nursing officers/ Staff in JIPMER, KV No.1, JIPMERCampus and in AMU.
Invigilator for various courses in AMU and JIPMER.
Examiner for JIPMER, Puducherry, AMU, College of Nursing and MGR University,Tamilnadu.
Inspector for UP state medical faculty, Lucknow
Scrutinizing officer for various courses in AMU, Aligarh.
Paper Moderator for TMU, Moradabad, UP and AMU, Aligarh.